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Thursday, February 19, 2015

CAD Drawings in Inventor

I almost finished the passenger base, but was unable to create the star shaped seat in time. I found it pretty difficult to make the dimensions for the triangle. The square and the circle were easy but the triangle was different because, unlike the other two, you also had to adjust the angle. Making the base was quite easy, mostly because it was just a rectangle with filleted edges and I had practice with that before.

Questions I still have:

How do you make a star shape on Inventor?
How do you make construction lines in Inventor?

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Building Challenge

For this exercise, Sachi and I built a sturdy structure from gum drops and toothpicks. We decided to base our design from triangles because they are considered to be strongest shape leading to the sturdiest structure.  The bottom of our design is a septagon with 165.25 degree angles.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Inventor Questions & Sharing

How do you make spheres in Inventor?

How to Make a Sphere in Inventor eHow

Sonia looked up how to fillet the edges and taught me how to do this.
After making a rectangle select the sides of your shape and click the fillet tool. Then set the value
in inches of how much you want it to be filleted by.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Form Follows Function; Improving on Every Day Objects

  1. Describe:I wanted to improve the average shower head. I think the way the water comes out is inefficient and really boring. So i added some other features that would make the showering experience a lot more relaxing.I added a large slit where water would fall out like a blanket. I hate how the average shower head is too small and it takes to long for it warm up the entire bathroom. I also added mist to the top so that when you are sick you can use the humid environment of the shower to ease your sinuses. I also added easier controls. I hate how the shower is hard to turn on with the lever/faucet thing, so I made a dial pad on the top that had motion sensor controls. Last but not least the shower could turn easily into a bath tub with sliding barriers and an automatic closing drain so that you wouldn't have to manually stop the drain with a rubber stopper. 
  2. Analyze: The process to make this wouldn't be very difficult because all of these technologies have been created they just haven't been implemented in the shower yet. 
  3. Apply: Showers are boring and haven't been improved upon for many many years. It is definitely something that could be improved on now to make a more relaxing environment. 
  4. Associate: It reminds me of something from the future, something that needed to be made more pleasing and relaxing. 
  5. Compare: This shower head might be similar to something very futuristic. I would really like to have something like this at my house because I like to take really long showers.
  6. Arguments: It wastes a lot of water, I got this comment in my critiques.