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Monday, June 8, 2015

Final Fabrication

-research notes are in previous post

- here are some multi view sketches:

-Assembly File of my parts:

This is the piece Sonia constructed form my design:
Displaying photo.JPG

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

3d Printing Research

- make anything you want out of plastic
- no/ little labor of building
- convenience 
- create in bulk
- humanitarian uses
" Doctors will potentially be able to manufacture tailor-made body parts or organs, directly from replica human DNA, which would bypass the problem of donor rejection. - See more at: "
- only plastic
- unsturdy, only material is plastic
- expensive
- right now very early stage primitive
- violent uses
"Last year, the world's first 3D gun was printed by controversial American group Defense Distributed, who have plans to publish the blueprints online. - See more at:"

3D Piece

Here is a link to my documentation of the 3D piece project.